Here you will find information about my professional, amateur radio
related and other activities, including details of some of my current
and past projects. I hope you find the information useful.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you require any further
I am a half-Spanish, half-Scottish physicist, with a love of all
things practical and applied. At an early age I became terminally
infected by engineering and I am now a hybrid best described as a
system engineer. The general opinion is that there is no hope of a cure!
I like to design things, ranging from entire systems through
instruments to novel sensors, and I enjoy all aspects of signal
acquisition and processing. I have applied these interests to diverse
fields, including geological remote sensing, land-use / vegetation
classification, marine sensing, bio-medical and laboratory
instrumentation and even global warming research (and yes - it is real!)
Outside work I am interested in aviation (I have a lapsed PPL with IMC
/ Night rating), amateur radio (callsign G4ZLZ), archery (Woking
Archery Club) and dogs. I am also interested in all aspects of
provision for diabled children, and I have campaigned actively on this
"Nil Carborundum!"